First year courses
ID Code Course title Semester Type of course ECTS D.3.1-L.1 3169 D.3.1-L.1.1 Engineering Experiment and Application Software in Mechanics 3 Elective 10 3170 D.3.1-L.1.2 Metrology and design of experiments 3 Elective 10 3171 D.3.1-L.1.3 Metrology and design of experiments 3 Elective 10 3172 D.3.1-L.1.4 Measurement and monitoring of transportation and logistics systems 3 Elective 10 3174 D.3.1-L.1.6 Computer Systems for Acquisition and Control 3 Elective 10 3175 D.3.1-L.1.7 Measurement Techniques in Mechatronics 3 Elective 10 3176 D.3.1-L.1.8 Measurements in energy and process engineering 3 Elective 10 D.3.2-I.4 3177 Д.3.2-I.4.1 Stochastic Processes in Mechanical Systems 3 Elective 10 3178 Д.3.2-I.4.2 Theory and stability of composite plates and shells 3 Elective 10 3179 Д.3.2-I.4.3 Gearboxes and Continuos Variable Transmissions 3 Elective 10 3180 Д.3.2-I.4.4 Selected Topics in Welded Structures 3 Elective 10 3181 Д.3.2-I.4.5 Software Development and Programming 3 Elective 10 3182 Д.3.2-I.4.6 Maintenance of railway vehicles 3 Elective 10 3183 Д.3.2-I.4.7 Selected Topics in Welding Technologies 3 Elective 10 3184 Д.3.2-I.4.8 Product Development Methods 3 Elective 10 3185 Д.3.2-I.4.9 Logistics maintenance 3 Elective 10 3186 Д.3.2-I.4.10 Dynamics of mobile machines 3 Elective 10 3187 Д.3.2-I.4.11 Modeling and process optimization 3 Elective 10 3188 Д.3.2-I.4.12 Behaviour of Materials in Usage 3 Elective 10 3189 Д.3.2-I.4.13 Modern Concepts Methods and Tools of Management 3 Elective 10 3190 Д.3.2-I.4.14 Selected topics in polymer processing 3 Elective 10 3191 Д.3.2-I.4.15 Industrial and flexible automation in production 3 Elective 10 3192 Д.3.2-I.4.16 Product life cycle management 3 Elective 10 3193 Д.3.2-I.4.17 Ubiquitous computing 3 Elective 10 3194 Д.3.2-I.4.18 Information systems in manufacturing 3 Elective 10 3195 Д.3.2-I.4.19 Analysis and simiulation in biomechanics 3 Elective 10 3196 Д.3.2-I.4.20 Manufacturing of medical devices and implants 3 Elective 10 3197 Д.3.2-I.4.21 Analysis and simulation of tyre dynamics 3 Elective 10 3198 Д.3.2-I.4.22 Knowledge Based Engineering Systems 3 Elective 10 3199 Д.3.2-I.4.23 Intelligent Control Systems 3 Elective 10 3200 Д.3.2-I.4.24 Stochastic control systems 3 Elective 10 3201 Д.3.2-I.4.25 System design for digital image processing in mechatronics 3 Elective 10 3202 Д.3.2-I.4.26 Rehabilitation robotics 3 Elective 10 3203 Д.3.2-I.4.27 Optimal Synthesis of Mehanisms 3 Elective 10 3204 Д.3.2-I.4.28 Micro and Nanotechnologies 3 Elective 10 3205 Д.3.2-I.4.29 Selected Topics in Thermal Energy Plants 3 Elective 10 3209 Д.3.2-I.4.33 Thermal comfort 3 Elective 10 3210 Д.3.2-I.4.34 Selected Topics in Steam Boilers 3 Elective 10 3211 Д.3.2-I.4.35 ST in Refrigeration Devices and Heat Pumps 3 Elective 10 3212 Д.3.2-I.4.36 Selected Topics in Air conditioning 3 Elective 10 3213 Д.3.2-I.4.37 Selected topics in mechanical and hydromechanical operations 3 Elective 10 3214 Д.3.2-I.4.38 Selected Topics in Theory of Sustainable Development 3 Elective 10 3215 Д.3.2-I.4.39 Selected chapters of the drying theory 3 Elective 10 3216 Д.3.2-I.4.40 Turbulent fluid flow modelling 3 Elective 10 3217 Д.3.2-I.4.41 Numerical Simulations of Transport Processes in Energy and Process Engineering 3 Elective 10 3218 Д.3.2-I.4.42 Magnetohydrodinamics 3 Elective 10 3219 Д.3.2-I.4.43 Biomechanics of fluids 3 Elective 10 3220 Д.3.2-I.4.44 Unsteady and unstable turbomachinery flow 3 Elective 10 3221 Д.3.2-I.4.45 Numerical simulation of flow in turbomachinery 3 Elective 10 3222 Д.3.2-I.4.46 Model and experimental testing of hydraulic turbomachinery and fans 3 Elective 10 3223 D.3 - SIR Independent research work - directly in the function of making a doctoral dissertation 3 Elective 10 3224 D.4 - SIR Independent research work - directly in the function of making a doctoral dissertation 4 Elective 30 ID Code Course title Semester Type of course ECTS 3225 D.5 - SIR Independent research work - directly in the function of making a doctoral dissertation 5 Elective 30 3226 D.6 - SIR Independent research work - directly in the function of making a doctoral dissertation 6 Elective 30