15. година постојања Центра за примењену математику Машинског факултета

Дана 15.04.2019. у сали 611 (шести спрат) Машинског факултета са почетком у 12 часова

Центар за примењену математику Машинског факултета у Нишу

2004 -2019

Обележава петнаест година свог постојања

  • 12.00 -12.15  - Почетак прославе и поздравно обраћање руководства Факултета


  • 12.15 - 13.00 - Љ. Петковић, П. Рајковић: Преглед активности и доприноса Центра за примењену математику и његових научних семинара

Highlights of Applied Mathematics Center and its Scientific Seminars

Abstract: At the very beginning of the XXI century, the members of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics were highly motivated to contribute to the development of the mathematics at the University of Niš and, especially, to its applications at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. We found that foundation of an appropriate seminar for applied mathematics is quite good form for this purpose.
We were lecturers, careful audience and active participants at the same time. This concept was supported by the excellent mathematicians from our University. They exposed their scientific contributions and took part in fruitful discussions afterwards. As well our young Ph. D students, we also hosted the leading mathematicians from all over the world. These efforts eventually led to starting the “Center for Applied Mathematics” which these days celebrates 15 years of its existence. We will use this occasion to remember the names and lectures of our most prominent participants.


  • 13.00 - 13.20 - Коктел добродошлице


  • 13.20-14.05 - В. Стојановић, М. Петковић: Девијације у осцилацијама и стабилизационе карактеристике у динамици структура

Deviations in vibrations and stabilizing characteristics in dynamics of structures

Abstract: The complexity of a mechanical systems come from two main aspects: when the complexity stems from the nature of the structure (two, three or more elastically connected elements) or when the complexity stems from the dynamic behavior due to the disturbed simple structure (for example a damaged structure). In the case of geometrically nonlinear vibrations, the new improved p-version of the finite element method is shown on the example of a damaged structure, allowing the analysis of the steady-state forced damped geometrically nonlinear vibrations. Two types of complex vehicle systems are considered according to their specific characteristics. The first one is modeled as a system of three elastically connected elements where two cases of connection between the vehicle elements are considered: the traditional and the one proposed here that includes the allowed transverse displacement. The second type of vehicle is modeled as a mechanical system with primary and secondary suspensions. The research describes the cases of stability in detail by using different theories and providing an example of stochastic stability of coupled oscillators. The general investigation gives a detailed description of all the theoretical (analytical and numerical) analyses as well as experimental, mathematical modeling and validation using various methods (Bernoulli-Fourier method, Modal expansion method, Trigonometric method, Newmark method, Harmonic Balance method, Continuation method, Perturbation method, D-decomposition method, Principle of Argument, Contour integration method, p-version of the finite element method, Galerkin method and others).


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Руководилац CAM - FMEN
др Меланија Митровић, ред. проф.

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