Dear Friends and Colleagues,


We are very pleased to announce the Sixth International Conference "Mechanical Engineering in the 21st Century – MASING 2023" that has been traditionally organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia.


The main goal of the Conference MASING 2023 is to bring together researchers from scientific and industrial institutions in order to present and communicate their newest results, create personal contacts, promote research within the area of mechanical engineering and stimulate the exchange of results and ideas within the fields encompassed by the Conference.


The Conference topics are:

  • Energetics, energetic efficiency and process engineering,
  • Mechanical design, development and engineering,
  • Mechatronics and control,
  • Production and information technologies,
  • Traffic engineering, transport and logistics,
  • Theoretical and applied mechanics and mathematics,
  • Challenges of the engineering profession in modern industry,
  • Engineering management.


More information is available at the conference webpage:


or by contacting MASING 2023 organizing committee at

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Conference Venue: University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia


Conference Date: 14-15 December 2023

Paper Template: link 

Important Dates:

20.10.2023  Abstracts submission
28.10.2023  Notification of abstracts acceptance
20.11.2023  Print ready papers submission
27.11.2023  Notification of papers acceptance
14-15.12.2023  Conference



We look forward to welcome you to at MASING 2023 in December this year!





Organizing Committee