SPATRA - Space-based Applications for Transport Monitoring and Management, HORIZON EUROPE RIA (2023-2025), funded by the European Union through the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) under grant agreement No.101129658. https://spatra-project.eu/
SPATRA project is a pioneering initiative designed to leverage satellite technology for enhancing road and rail transportation systems across Europe. Through the innovative use of European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (EGNSS) and Copernicus satellites, SPATRA aims to tackle critical challenges in the transport sector, such as congestion, environmental impact, and infrastructure monitoring, thereby contributing to the European Green Deal’s objectives.
XAI4HEAT - Explainable AI-assisted operations in district heating systems, Science Fund of Republic of Serbia (2023-2026), Grant No. 23-SSF-PRISMA-206, https://xai4heat.com/
XAI4HEAT is a research project facilitating Explainable AI-assisted operations in District Heating Systems, funded by Prisma program of Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. The project was first ranked among the 8 awarded projects in the thematic area of Artificial Intelligence, after two-stage evaluation.
CHRONOWOUND - Multilevel approach to study chronic wounds based on clinical and biological assessment with development of novel personalized therapeutic approaches using in vitro and in vivo experimental models, Science Fund of Republic of Serbia (2023-2026) PRISMA https://chronowound.com/
Proposed project will have a significant impact on the development of science at national but also international level since expected results will contribute greatly to the treatment protocols of the patients suffering from chronic wounds which will be directed towards personalized approaches that will lower the time needed for chronic wounds to heal and also enable more economic and approach that will be more comfortable for the patients. This research will greatly influence the health care of patients in our country, but scientific data will contribute to the global scientific community and will enable the development of novel therapeutic personalized approaches in this medical field.
IIMEO - Instantaneous Infrastructure Monitoring by Earth Observation, HORIZON-CL4-2022-SPACE-01-13: End-to-end earth observation systems and associated services, (2022-2025), received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101082410 https://www.iimeo.eu/
EO satellites for critical European infrastructure
To build a system which demonstrates that critical infrastructure monitoring by earth observation actually works by providing a real user with real railway monitoring data from a satellite approximation platform
To develop a plan to deploy IIMEO on an actual LEO constellation
Structuring Concept Generation with the Help of Metaphor, Analogy and Schematicity, Програм Идеје – поље друштвено хуманистичких наука (2021-2024) https://schemas.rs/
The identification of schematic undercurrents is an important step in the overall project but by no means the only one – analysis of Serbian and English corpora, psycholinguistic verification and the compiling of algorithmic protocols are also important parts of the overall proposal.
SMART2 - Advanced integrated obstacle and track intrusion detection system for smart automation of rail transport који финансира Европска комисија кроз програм HORIZON 2020; Број пројекта:881784 Укупна вредност пројекта - 2 милиона евра https://smart2rail-project.net/ (2019-2022)
ATUVIS - Autonomous Trains Undercarriage Visual Inspection System, који финансира Европска комисија кроз програм Инструменти за претприступну помоћ - EU4Tech (2020-2021)
Pre-Insulated Brick, који финансира Европска комисија кроз програм Инструменти за претприступну помоћ - EU4Tech (2020-2021)