Реализовани међународни пројекти

Реализовани међународни пројекти

Реализовани међународни пројекти

1. Мethodenentwicklung für das Design funktioneller nachgiebiger Mechanismen und deren Sensorisierung  (DAAD)

2. Conversion Courses for Unemployed University Graduates in Serbia  - CONCUR (TEMPUS)

3. Development of Serbian Network of Mobility Centers  - SER-MORE (FP7)

4. Inter-sectoral Mobility of Researchers in South-Eastern Europe  - I-SEEMob (FP7)

5. Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the Partners in the EURAXESS Services Network  -EURAXESS T.O.P. (FP7)

6. JoRIEW—Improving capacity of Jordanian Research in Integrated Renewable Energy and Water supply (FP7)

7. Development and integration of formal models for knowledge representation and applications interoperability in manufacturing supply networks (Програм билатералнe сарадњe Француска – Србија)

8. National Platform for Knowledge Triangle in Serbia  - KNOWTS (TEMPUS)

9. Enhancing The Outreach and Effectiveness of the EURAXESS Network Partners  - EURAXESS T.O.P II (FP7)

10. Bringing Western Balkans closer to Innovation Union: An example of EURAXESS Regional Collaboration (FP7)

11. Application of workflow management technology in e-learning systems (Билатерални пројекат Србија – Словенија)

12. Sustainable development and competitiveness through increase of the energy efficiency by use of solar energy and smart systems (IPA програм међуграничне размене)

13. A Novel Approach for Human Detection and Tracking in Robotics (DAAD)

14. International Accreditation of Engineering Studies (TEMPUS)

15. Intelligent Control of Smart Structures (DAAD)

16. Semantic interoperability approach for Computer Integrated Manufacturing, у оквиру програма CNRS (Програм билатералне сарадња Србија – Француска)