Козић С. Предраг

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Катедра: Механика


Ужа научна област: Теоријска и примењена механика


Репрезентативне референце:

  • P. Kozić, R. Pavlović, G. Janevski.: Moment Lyapunov exponents of the stochastic parametrical Hill's equation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, Vol. 45, pp. 6056-6066.
  • R. Pavlovic, P. Kozić, S.Mitić, I.Pavlović.: Stochastic stability of a rotating shaft. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009, Vol. 79, pp. 1163-1171.
  • P. Kozić, G. Janevski, R. Pavlović.: Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability for two coupled oscillators. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2009, Vol. 4, pp. 1689-1701.
  • P. Kozić, G. Janevski , R. Pavlović.: Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of a double-beam system under compressive axial loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010, Vol. 47, pp. 1435-1442.
  • P. Kozić, R. Pavlović, G. Janevski, Z. Golubović.: Influence of the mode number on the stochastic stability regions of the elastic beam. Meccanica, 2010, Vol. 45, pp. 553-565.
  • A. Tylikowski, R. Pavlović, P. Kozić.: Influence of transverse shear on stochastic instability of symmetric-ply laminated plates. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2011, Vol. 26, pp. 454-460.
  • G. Janevski, P. Kozić, R. Pavlović, Z. Golubović.: The moment Lyapunov exponent of a Timoshenko beam under bounded noise excitation. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, Vol. 81(4), pp. 403-417.
  • P. Kozić, R. Pavlović, G. Janevski, V. Stojanović.: Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of moving narrow bands. . Journal of Vibration and Control, 2011, Vol. 17(7), pp. 988-999.
  • V.Stojanović, P. Kozić, R. Pavlović, G. Janevski.: Effect of rotary inertia and shear on vibration and buckling of a double beam system under compressive axial loading. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, Vol. 81(12), pp. 1993-2005.
  • G. Janevski, P. Kozić, R. Pavlović.: Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of a thin-walled subjected to eccentric axial loads. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012,
  • V. Stojanović, P. Kozić.: Forced transverse vibration of Rayleigh and Timoshenko double­beam system with effect of compressive axial load. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, Vol. 60, pp. 59-71.
  • R. Pavlović, P. Kozić, S. Mitić, I. Pavlović.: Influence of rotary inertia on dynamic stability of the viscoelastic symmetric cross-ply laminated plates. Mechanics Research Communications, 2012, Vol. 45, pp. 28-33.
  • V. Stojanović, P. Kozić, G. Janevski.: Buckling instabilities of elastically connected Timoshenko beams on an elastic layer subjected to axial forces.: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2012, Vol. 7, pp. 363-374.
  • R. Pavlović, P. Kozić, I. Pavlović.:Dynamic stability of a double-beam system subjected to random forces. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2012, Vol. 62, pp. 111-119.
  • V. Stojanović , P. Kozić, G. Janevski.: Exact closed-form solutions for the natural frequencies and stability of elastically connected multiple beam system using Timoshenko and high- order shear deformation theory. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, Vol. 332(3), pp. 563-576.
  • V. Stojanović , P. Kozić.: Stochastic stability of a thick beams using contact transformation method. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2013, Vol. 34, pp. 110-113.
  • I. Pavlović, R. Pavlović, P. Kozić, G. Janevski.: Almost sure stochastic stability of a viscoelastic double-beam system. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2013, Vol. 83(11), pp. 1591-1605.
  • P. Kozić, R. Pavlović, D. Karličić.: The flexural vibration and buckling of the elastically connectedparallel-beams with a Kerr-type layer in between. Mechanics Research Communications, 2014, Vol. 56, pp. 83-89.
  • D. Karličić , P. Kozić, R. Pavlović.: Free transverse vibration of nonlocal viscoelastic orthotropic multi-nanoplate system (MNPS) embedded in a viscoelastic medium. Composite Structures, 2014, Vol. 115, pp. 89-99.
  • D. Karličić , T. Murmu, M. Cajić, P. Kozić, S. Adhikari.: Dynamics of multiple viscoelastic carbon nanotube based nanocomposites with axial magnetic field. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, Vol. 115, 234303.
  • G. Janevski, P. Kozić, I. Pavlović.: Moment Lyapunov exponents of the parametrical Hill's equation under the excitation of two correlated wideband noises. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2014, Vol. 52(3), pp. 525-540.
  • V. Stojanović , P. Kozić, M. Ristić.: Vibrations and stabilityof multiple rectangular plates coupled with elastic layers based on different plate theories. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, Vol. 92, pp. 233-244.
  • D. Karličić , D. Jovanović, P. Kozić, M. Cajić.: Thermal and magnetic effects on the vibration of a cracked nanobeam embedded in an elastic medium. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2015, Vol. 10(1), pp. 43-62.
  • D. Karličić , P. Kozić, R. Pavlović.: Flexural vibration and buckling analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using different gradient elasticity theories based on Reddy and Huu-Tai formulations. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2015, Vol. 53(1), pp. 217­233.
  • D. Karličić , M. Cajić, T. Murmu, P. Kozić, S. Adhikari.: Nonlocal effects on the longitudinal vibration of a complex multi-nanorod system subjected to the transverse magnetic field. Meccanica, 2015, Vol. 50, pp. 1605-1621.
  • D. Karličić, P. Kozić, S. Adhikari, M. Cajić, T. Murmu, M. Lazarević.: Nonlocal mass­nanosensor model based on the damped vibration of single-layer grapheme sheet influenced by in-plane magnetic field. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, Vol. 96-97, pp. 132-142.
  • D. Karličić, M. Cajić, P. Kozić, I. Pavlović.: Temperature effects on the vibration and stability behavior of multi-layered graphene sheets embedded in an elastic me. Composite Structures, 2015, Vol. 131, pp. 672-681.
  • D. Karličić, P. Kozić, T. Murmu, S. Adhikari.:Vibration insight of a nonlocal viscoelastic coupled multi-nanorod system. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2015, Vol. 54, pp. 132-145.


Чланство у организацијама, комисијама и телима:

• Члан је Републичког Матичног Научног одбора за математику, рачунарске науке и механику


Текући пројекти:

Учесник је пројекта које финансира Министарство образовања науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије под називом "Динамичка стабилност и нестабилност механичких система под дејством стохастичке побуде" ОИ 174011, руководилац пројекта проф. Ратко Павловић.


Књига наставника - Предраг С. Козић