Темељковски И. Драган

dragan temeljkovski220  др Драган И. Темељковски

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Катедра: Производно информационе технологије и менаџмент


Ужа научна област: Производни системи и технологије


Репрезентативне референце:

  • Dragana Temeljkovski, Miloš Milovančević, Dragan Temeljkovski, Stojanče Nusev: Production Process Reengineering – Production of Steel Panels Radiators; 17TH Symposium in Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia – SIMTERM 2015, Procedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-076-9),  Sokobanja, Serbia, 20-23.10.2015, pp 432-437.
  • Dragana Temeljkovski, Miloš Milovančević, Dragan Temeljkovski, Stojanče Nusev:Production process reengineering – human resource management, The 3nd International Conference, Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century – MASING 2015, Proceedings (ISBN 978-86-6055-072-1), Niš, Serbia, 17-18.06.2015, Niš, Serbia, pp 395-398.
  • Dragana Temeljkovski, Dragan Temeljkovski, Stojanče Nusev: Evaluation of  Quality and Efficiency of Technologies for Making Axi-Symmetrical Profiles – Method of Superiority and Inferiority; 8thInternational Scientific Conference HEAVY MACHINERY - HM 2014, Procedings (ISBN 978-86-82631-58-3), Zlatibor, Serbia, 25-28.06.2014, pp B.55-61
  • Dragan Temeljkovski, Stojanče Nusev, Dragana Temeljkovski: Technology for Manufacturing of Turbine Parts for Micro and Mini Hydroelectric Power Plants. 16th Symposium in Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, pp 95-100,  October 22-25.2013 Sokobanja, Serbia
  • Dragan Temeljkovski, Stojanče Nusev, Dragana Temeljkovski: A Basic Theoretical Static Model of the Support of Open Structural Members of Deformation Processing Machines for the Application of Calculatin Methods. The 2nd International Conference, Mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, pp 79-82, June 20-21.2013, Niš, Serbia
  • Petar Đekić, Dragan Temeljkovski, Bojan Rančić, Stojančo Nusev: Modern Technologies of Recycling of Polymeric Materials and Their Application in the Production of New Materials,Procedings ot the  7th International Symposium Konstruisanje, Oblikovanje, Dizajn, KOD 2012, pp. 485-488, 2012, Blatonfured, Hungaru.
  • Petar Đekić, Dragan Temeljkovski, Bojan Rančić, Stojanče Nusev,: Application of Recycled rubber Powder (RPR) in NR/SBR Compaunds, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 71, PP. 295-298, April 2012.
  • Dragan Temeljkovski, Predrag Popović, Bojan Rančić, Petar Đekić: Evaluation of Product and Production Technologies Quality Method of Superiority and Inferiority, Procedings ot the  34th International Conference on Production Engineering, IPCE 201, pp. 267-270, 2011, Niš.
  • Petar Đekić, Dragan Temeljkovski, Stojanče Nusev, Bojan Rančić: Modern Waste Tyre Recycling System, Procedings ot the  7th International Conference Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems, IRMES 2011, pp. 57-62, 2011, Zlatibor.
  • Dragan Temeljkovski, Petar Đekić, Bojan Rančić, Stojanče Nusev: Possibilyty of Applicatio of Rubber Powder at NR/SBR Mixture The Internacional Conference -mechanical Engineering in XXI Century, Proceedings, str 213 do 216, 25-26 novembar 2010, Mašinski fakulte Niš, Serbia.


 Текући пројекти:

  • Истраживач на пројекту ТР 33040 ''Ревитализација постојећих и пројектовање нових микро и мини хидроелектрана (од 10 до 1000 kw) на територији јужне и југоисточне Србије'' Министарства просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије


Ангажовање на предметима:

  • Производна средства
  • Машине и алати за прераду полимера
  • Технологија рециклаже
  • Машине за пакованје
  • Реинжењеинг


Књига наставника - Драган И. Темељковски