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Dr Aleksandar Miltenović vanr. prof. / assoc. prof.
Лабораторија за маш. конструкције/Laboratory for mechanical design 018 500 642 |
Катедра/Department: Машинске конструкције, развој и инжењеринг / Mechanical design, development and engineering
Ужа научна област/scientific field: Машинске конструкције/Mechanical design
He received his Diploma of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2003 and Magister of Science Degree in 2005 at University of Niš. He graduated Ph.D. on 2011 at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. The title of his Ph.D. thesis is “Verschleißtragfähigkeitsberechnung von Schraubradgetrieben mit Schaubrädern aus Sintermetall" (https://hss-opus.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/opus4/frontdoor/index/index/year/2019/docId/3043). In 2015 he had a research fellowship at IPEK Department of KIT in the field of Lightweight design and Innovation management. In 2021 he had a research fellowship at IAT Department of the University of Bremen in the field of Computer vision. His research fields include power transmission, product development, FEM modeling, and 3D printing.
Репрезентативне референце/Representative references:
- Aleksandar Miltenović; Ivan Rakonjac; Alexandru Oarcea; Marko Perić; Damjan Rangelov, Detection and Monitoring of Pitting Progression on Gear Tooth Flank Using Deep Learning, Applied Sciences, 2022-05, DOI: 10.3390/app12115327,
- Aleksandar Petrovic; Milan Banic; Milos Simonovic; Dušan Stamenković; Aleksandar Miltenović; Gavrilo Adamović; Damjan Rangelov, Integration of Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural Networks in the System for Detection of Rail Track and Signals on the Railway, Applied Sciences, 2022-06, DOI: 10.3390/app12126045,
- Milan Banic; Dušan Stamenković; Aleksandar Miltenović; Dragan Jovanović; Milan Tica Procedure for the Selection of Rubber Compound in Rubber-Metal Springs for Vibration Isolation, Polymers, 2020-08, DOI: 10.3390/polym12081737,
- Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić, Jovan Tanasković, Jelena Stefanović-Marinović, Damjan Rangelov, Marko Perić, Wear Load Capacity of Crossed Helical Gears, Facta mechanical engineering, Online first.
- Aleksandar Miltenović, Milan Banić, Investigation of the Meshing Friction Heat Generation of Worm Gears and Influence of the Contact Shape, International Conference on Gears 2022, Germany
Naučne publikacije i umetničke reference akademskog osoblja
Чланство у организацијама, комисијама и телима:
- Асоцијација за дизајн, елементе и конструкције – АДЕКО
- Члан одбора за квалитет Машинског факултета Универзитета у Нишу
Ангажовање на предметима:
- Основе развоја производа
- Лаке машинске конструкције
- Методе развоја производа
- Менаџмент иновацијама и развојем производа