др Милан М. Здравковић
ванредни професор
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Катедра: Катедра за производно-информационе технологије и менаџмент
Ужа научна област: Производни системи и технологије
Репрезентативне референце:
- Zdravković, M., Ignjatović, M., Ćirić, I. (2022) Explainable heat demand forecasting for the novel control strategies of district heating systems. Annual Reviews in Control. Online first. DOI: 10.1016/j.arcontrol.2022.03.
009 - Zdravković, M., Panetto, H., Weichhart, G. (2021) AI-enabled Enterprise Information Systems in manufacturing. Enterprise Information Systems. Online first. DOI: 10.1080/17517575.2021.1941275
- Zdravković, M., Luis-Ferreira, F., Jardim-Goncalves, R., Trajanović, M. (2016) On the formal definition of the systems’ interoperability capability: an anthropomorphic approach, Enterprise Information Systems. In Press. DOI:10.1080/17517575.2015.1057236
- Panetto, H., Zdravković, M., Jardim-Goncalves, R., Romero, D., Cecil, J., Mezgar, I. New Perspectives for the Future Interoperable and Sustainable Enterprise Systems. Computers in Industry. In press. DOI:
- Zdravković, M., Noran, O., Panetto, H., Trajanović, M. (2015) Enabling Interoperability as a Property of Ubiquitous Systems for Disaster Management. Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS). 12(3) 1009-1031
- Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Pavlović, D. Ontology framework for Knowledge Management in Orthopedic Surgery. Facta Universitatis Series in Mechanical Engineering. 13(3) 325-336
- Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Panetto, H., Aubrey, A. (2014) Explication and Semantic Querying of Enterprise Information Systems. Knowledge and Information Systems. 40(3)697-724
- Zdravković. M., Trajanović, M., Stojković, M., Vitković, N., Mišić, D. (2012) A case of using the Semantic Interoperability Framework for custom orthopedic implants manufacturing. Annual Reviews in Control. 36 (2) 318-326
- Lezoche, M., Yahia, E., Aubrey, A., Panetto, H., Zdravković. M. (2012) Conceptualising and structuring semantics in Cooperative Enterprise Information Systems Models. Computers in Industry. 63(8) 775-787
- Zdravković, M., Panetto, H., Trajanović, M., Aubrey, A. (2011)An approach for formalising the supply chain operations. Enterprise Information Systems 5 (4) 401-421
- Mišić, D., Domazet, D., Trajanović, M, Manić, M., Zdravković, M. (2009)Concept of the exception handling system for manufacturing business processes. Computer Science and Information Systems. 7(3) 489-509
- Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M. (2009)Integrated Product Ontologies for Inter-Organizational Networks. Computer Science and Information Systems (COMSIS). 6(2) 29-46
Чланство у организацијама, комисијама и телима:
- IFAC TC5.3 (IFAC Technical Committee for Enterprise Integration and Networking) committee of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
- IFIP TC5 (Information Technology applications) Working Group 5.8 "Enterprise Interoperability", of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
- SoColNet - Society of Collaborative Networks
- EURAXESS WG Network Management of the European Commission
- EURAXESS WG Portal Administrators of the European Commission
Текући пројекти:
- 2015-2018, "H2020-SEAC-2014-1.665934, Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network – EURAXESS TOPIII", Horizon 2020, Topic: SEAC-3-2014 - Trans-national operation of the EURAXESS Service network
- 2015-2018, "561586-EPP-1-2015-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, Enhancement of HE research potential contributing to further growth of the WB region", Erasmus Plus programme
- 2015-2017, "Runtime model-driven software for smart Cyber Physical Systems", Bilateral cooperation programme with France – Pavle Savić programme
- 2015-2017, "Towards Context-aware Smart Cyber-Physical Ecosystems", Bilateral cooperation programme with Portugal
- 2014-2016, "FP7-CDRP-2013-EUR-CD-643330: Policy into Practice - EURAXESS Researcher Skills for Career Development (PIPERS)", FP7-COH - Support to the Coherent Development of Research Policies, Coordinator: The British Council, UK
- 2014-2018, "IC1404: Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS)", ICT COST Action IC1404
- 2011-2016, III41017 Virtual human osteoarticular system and its application in preclinical and clinical practice
Ангажовање на предметима:
- Основе информационо-комуникационих технологија
- Информационе технологије 2
- Електронско пословање
- Информациона интеграција организације
- Менаџмент знања