Стојковић С. Милош

Стојковић С. Милош


др Милош С. Стојковић

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Катедра:  Производно информационе технологије

Ужа научна област: Производни системи и технологије

Монографије и уџбеници:

Стојковић, М., Трифуновић, М., Ранђеловић, С., Стојковић, Ј., Витковић, Н., Турудија, Р., (2023.) Моделирање технолошких операција нумерички управљаних машина помоћу рачунара, универзитетски уџбеник (1. издање), Машински факултет Универзитет у Нишу, ISBN 978-86-6055-165-0

Trifunović, M., Stojković, M., Trajanović, M., Manić, M., (2015). Semantic interpretation of geometric and technological features. Chapter 11 In: Cus, F., Gecevska, V., Chiampo, F. eds., Methods and techniques for industrial development, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Maribor and Politecnico di Torino, ISBN 978-961-248-493-4, 145 - 165, M14

Milovanovic, Ј., Stojkovic, M., Trajanovic, M. (2012). Metal Laser Sintering For Rapid Tooling In Application To Tyre Tread Pattern Mould. Chapter 4 In: Shatokha V, editor. Sintering - Methods and Products, InTech , ISBN 978-953-51-0371-4, 73-90. М14

Репрезентативне референце: 


ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9020-125X

Scopus ID 35768525700

  • Turudija R, Stojković M., Stojković JR, Aranđelović J, Marinković D. (2024). Stiffness of Anatomically Shaped Lattice Scaffolds Made by Direct Metal Laser Sintering of Ti-6Al-4V Powder: A Comparison of Two Different Design Variants. Metals.; 14(2):219. https://doi.org/10.3390/met14020219 (M22)
  • Vitković, N., Stojković, M., Trajanović, M., & Górski, F. (2023). Creation Of Personalized 3d Model Of Bone Scaffold By Using Curve And Pattern Based Methodologies. Acta Technica Napocensis - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, And Engineering, 66(3). Retrieved from https://atna-mam.utcluj.ro/index.php/Acta/article/view/2181 (M23)
  • Stojković JR, Stojković M, Turudija R, Aranđelović J, Marinkovic D. (2023). Adjustable Elasticity of Anatomically Shaped Lattice Bone Scaffold Built by Electron Beam Melting Ti6Al4V Powder. Metals. 13(9):1522. https://doi.org/10.3390/met13091522 (M22)
  • Milovanović, J., Stojković, M., Trifunović, M., Vitković, N., (2023) Review Of Bone Scaffold Design Concepts And Design, Facta Universitatis Series: Mechanical Engineering, 21 (1), pp. 151-173 METHODS https://doi.org/10.22190/FUME200328038M (M21)
  • Stojković, M., Madić, M., Trifunović, M., Turudija, R. (2022), Determining the Optimal Cutting Parameters for Required Productivity for the Case of Rough External Turning of AISI 1045 Steel with Minimal Energy Consumption. Metals, 12, 1793. https://doi.org/10.3390/met12111793 (M22)
  • Stojkovic, M., Turudija, R., Trifunovic, M., Pavlovic, M., Jovanovic, I., Uzelac, N., Milenkovic, V., (2022). A Study of The Use of Mixed Reality for Capturing Human Observation and Inferences in Production Environments, Facta Universitatis Series: Mechanical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.22190/FUME220714047S (M21)
  • Mišić, D., Stojković, M., Trifunović, M., Vitković, N., (2022). Detection and Handling Exceptions in Business Process Management Systems Using Active Semantic Model. Facta Universitatis Series: Mech. Eng. https://doi.org/10.22190/FUME211115026M  (M22)
  • Korunović., N., Stojković, M., Mišić, D., Pavlović, A., Trajanović, M. (2021). Tyre Design and Optimization by Dedicated CAD Tyre Model. Tehnicki vjesnik/Technical Gazette, 28(5), pp. 1701-1710, https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20190529154922 (M23)
  • Milovanović, J., Vitković, N., Stojković, M., Mitković, M. (2021). Designing of Patient-Specific Implant by Using Subdivision Surface Shaped on Parametrized Cloud of Points, Tehnički vjesnik, 28 (3), 801-809. https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20200502215442 (M23)
  • Milovanovic J. R., Stojkovic, M. S., Husain, K. N., Korunovic N. D., Arandjelovic, J., (2020). Holistic Approach in Designing the Personalized Bone Scaffold: The Case of Reconstruction of Large Missing Piece of Mandible Caused by Congenital Anatomic Anomaly. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Hindawi, Article ID 6689961, 13 pages. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6689961 (M22)
  • Milovanović, J., Stojković, M., Trifunović, M., Vitkovi, N. (2020). Review of bone scaffold design concepts and design methods. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.22190/FUME200328038M  (M22)
  • Husain, K.N., Stojković, M., Vitković, N., Milovanović, J., Trajanović, M., Rashid, M. i Milovanović, A. (2019). Procedure for Creating Personalized Geometrical Models of the Human Mandible and Corresponding Implants. Tehnički vjesnik, 26 (4), 1044-1051. https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20181009193111 (M23)
  • Husain, K., Rashid, M., Vitković, N., Mitić, J., Milovanović, J., Stojković, M. (2018). Geometrical Models of Mandible Fracture and Plate Implant. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, 16(3), 369 – 379. https://doi.org/10.22190/FUME170710028H (M23)
  • Stojković, M., Veselinovic, M., Vitkovic, N., Marinkovic, D., Trajanovic, M., Arsic, S., Mitkovic, M., (2018). Reverse Modelling of Human Long Bones Using T-Splines - Case of Tibia, Tehnički vjesnik / Technical Gazette, 25(6), DOI 10.17559/TV-20180129210021, M23
  • Stojkovic, M., Trajanovic, M., Vitkovic, N., (2019). Personalized Orthopedic Surgery Design Challenge: Human Bone Redesign Method, Procedia CIRP, Volume 84, Pages 701-706, ISSN 2212-8271, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.170 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212827119307929 )
  • Vitković, N., Stojković, M., Majstorović, V., Trajanović, M., Milovanović, J. (2018). Novel design approach for the creation of 3D geometrical model of personalized bone scaffold, CIRP Annals, 67(1), pp. 177-180, ISSN 0007-8506,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2018.04.064. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S000785061830088X )
  • Trifunovic, M., Stojkovic, M., Trajanovic, M., Manic, M., Misic, D., Vitkovic, N., (2015), Analysis of semantic features in free-form objects reconstruction, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI EDAM), DOI: 10.1017/S0890060415000153, , M23
  • Stojkovic, M., Trifunovic, M., Misic, D., Manic, M., Towards Analogy-Based Reasoning in Semantic Network, Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 979-1008, DOI: 10.2298/CSIS141103036S, M23
  • Trifunovic, M., Stojkovic, M., Misic, D., Trajanovic, M., Manic, M., Recognizing Topological Analogy in Semantic Network, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 1550006-1 – 1550006-25, DOI: 10.1142/S0218213015500062
  • Majstorovic, V., Trajanovic, M., Vitkovic, N., Stojkovic, M., Reverse engineering of human bones by using method of anatomical features, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, CIRP (2013), 62 (1), 167–170, M22
  • Vitković, N. Milovanović, J., Korunović, N., Trajanović, M., Stojković, M., Mišić, D., Arsić, S., (2013), Software System for Creation of Human Femur Customized Polygonal Models, ComSIS  - Computer Science and Information Systems, 10 (3), 1473-1497, M23
  • Zdravković, M., Trajanović, M., Stojković, M., Mišić, D., Vitković, N. (2012). A Case of Using the Semantic Interoperability Framework for Custom Orthopedic Implants Manufacturing, Annual Reviews in Control, 36 (2), M22
  • Stojkovic, M., Milovanovic, J., Vitkovic, N., Trajanovic, M., Arsic, S., Mitkovic, M. (2012) Analysis of femoral trochanters morphology based on geometrical model, JSIR-Journal of Scientific Industrial Research, 71(3), 210-216. M23
  • Korunović, N., Trajanović, M., Stojković, M., Mišić, D., Milovanović, J., (2011), Finite Element Analysis of a Tire Steady Rolling on the Drum and Comparison with Experiment, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 57(12), 888-897. M23
  • Stojkovic, M., Milovanovic, J., Vitkovic, N., Trajanovic, M., Grujovic, N., Milivojevic, V., Milisavljevic, S., & Mrvic, S. (2010). Reverse modeling and solid free-form fabrication of sternum implant. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 33(3), 243-250. M23

Чланство у организацијама, комисијама и телима:

  • Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association

Текући пројекти:

  • Од 2022. до 2024. године, Милош Стојковић руководи научно-истраживачким делом пројекта који суфинансира Фонд за иновациону делатност Републике Србије: LDS - детекција цурења флуида у цевима високог притиска кабловских система, (LDS - Leak detection solution for HPFF cable systems) (број пројекта 51851)

Ангажовање на предметима:

Основне академске студије

  • Произодне технологије
  • Планирање технолошких процеса
  • Програмирање НУМА

Мастер академске студије

  • Пројектовање технолошких система
  • Програмирање НУМА 2 (некадашњи CAPP CAM системи)
  • Пројектовање и производња медицинских уређаја

Докторске академске студије

  • Напредне методе геометријског моделирања
  • Интегрисани развој пнеуматика
  • Пројектовање медицинских уређаја и имплантата
  • Инжењерски системи засновани на знању 

Књига наставника - Милош С. Стојковић